
Tools– A variety of cement finishing tools, shovels, levels and different brushes for numerous application processes.

Roofing-We carry both regular and three dimensional shingles in a variety of colors, plus roll roofing, rubber roofing for commercial applications as well different chemical coatings and cement.

Drywall– We carry all sizes of drywall, plus all the finishing mud and accessories to finish the job.

Block– We carry every different types of cement block and size needed for construction projects.

Cement– We carry bagged cement, mortar, lime and sand in different weight bags to meet the needed application. We also carry concrete repair products, stucco, water proofing, tile setting, blacktop products and floor underlayment products.

Insulation– We carry both faced and unfaced insulation from R-11 to R-30 in different size widths to meet the job matched. We also carry various types of styrofoam insulations needed to complete varying jobs.

Rebar– We carry steel rebar rods from ⅜” to full 1” that can be cut to fit the job size needed. We also carry wire mesh rebar and angle iron for residential and commercial applications.

Lumber– We have dimensional lumber in various size and lengths.

Sealers– We carry a variety of concrete and blacktop sealers for both residential and commercial applications.

Landscaping– We carry landscaping block in different sizes and colors for different applications in retaining walls and patio pavers.
